Monday, September 10, 2018

Advanced Ankle Sprain Exercise


The patient in this video is a gymnast who had a bilateral inversion ankle sprain twice twice within 4 months. After focusing on improving lateral tibial glide mobility, single limb stance stability, and motor control/proprioception with the Motion Guidance -  we progressed to the exercise in the video.

Using a combination of EDGE Restriction System BFR Cuffs -  to help promote hypertrophy and modulate pain/soreness, we progressed to partially supported and then unsupported squats with her ankles in slight plantarflexion and inversion. This is to make her tissues more ready to land in an unstable or potentially injury causing position.

After several weeks of this, she happened to land on a mat incorrectly, with a mild inversion sprain, she was mildly sore for a few days, but recovered much quicker than normal and is now back to full gymnastics.

Advanced Ankle Sprain Exercise

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