Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Remarkable People

Photo by Dan Burton on Unsplash

Remarkable People

We all know of, or know remarkable people. They may be your gran, your teacher, your wife, a mentor or someone you read about or listen to in person or on the web. On looking closely you will often notice that such people don’t consider themselves remarkable at all. They just do what they do and love it.

A couple of life’s rules

Immediately I can think of five remarkable people who I know. As soon as I visualise them individually or as a group I notice how my emotional state changes. There are two reasons that follow a couple of life’s rules. Firstly, that what you focus upon determines how you feel, and secondly that we adopt the standards of those around us. What can you learn from this?
There are a few things you can take away.
  1. Choose carefully what you decide to focus upon — what is your picture of success?
  2. Choose carefully who you hang out with and are influenced by

A simple exercise

Try it now. Close your eyes and think of a remarkable person that you know. Someone who inspires you. Feel what happens in you. Now ask that person a question. Something you are puzzling over or tangling with. What do they say and how do they say it? Are they kind and warm? Listening deeply and understanding? They should be if they are remarkable people. Don’t worry if the image is fragmented or unclear, it is the intent and purpose and awareness of the feelings that are important.


Building upon this we can simply express gratitude for such people, aspiring to take on their qualities in us. Again, notice what happens when you do this. Feel the state of gratitude emerge in you. There is a potent biology at play. Everything has a biology.
Further, you could choose to write to the remarkable people who you know and express thanks for the way that they inspire you.
Enjoy and be wise in who you spend time with in person and in your (embodied) mind.

These are two of many practices and tools you learn in The Pain Coach Programme to live life and overcome pain, or on your road to mastery as a clinician 
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