Monday, June 15, 2020

Ultrasound and Achilles Injury: Do Scan Findings Correlate?

Ultrasound and Achilles Injury: Do Scan Findings Correlate? -

Achilles Tendon Ultrasound & Pathology in Dancers


Achilles tendinopathy commonly affects active athletes who perform repetitive tendon loading activities, including dancers.
Ultrasound and Achilles Injury: Do Scan Findings Correlate? -

Clinical diagnosis of Achilles tendinopathy is based on:
  • History.
  • Location of symptoms.
  • Behavior of pain.
  • Exclusion of other potential causes.
However, ultrasound imaging (USI) is often used to confirm the diagnosis.

De-la-Cruz-Torres et al. (2020), determined the prevalence of normal and abnormal AT pathology in asymptomatic dancers and associated factors, including:
  • Age.
  • Height.
  • Weight.
  • Body mass.
  • Average dancing hours/wk.
  • Dancing history (years).
  • Average pointe hours per week.
  • Thickness and CSA of FHL muscle.

Tendons were classified (normal, abnormal) using ultrasound imaging (USI). 

Performance variable were measured, including:

  • Range of movement (ROM) of the first toe joint.
  • Balance test.
  • Endurance test.
  • Vertical jump.
  • A total of 58 tendons were measured.
  • 26 abnormal tendons and 32 normal tendons were classified. .
  • (62%) had at least one abnormal tendon.
  • (45%) in the abnormal group had bilateral abnormalities. .
  • Dancers with AT pathology had significantly more years of dancing and number of weekly pointe hours than those with no pathology on US imaging. .
  • No significant differences between the groups were identified for the rest of the variables. .
  • Dancing years was moderately correlated with AT thickness
  • Asymptomatic classic dancers had a high incidence of tendon pathology via USI.
  • Increased dancing years was associated with pathology in the AT. .
  • Abnormal achilles tendons do NOT correlate with pain.
Don’t miss anything! Reposted with permission from @physicaltherapyresearch on instagram

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Write them below. .
#physicaltherapyresearch #achillestendon #tendinopathy 📚📚📚
B. de-la-Cruz-Torres et al. 2020. Ultrasound imaging features of the Achilles tendon in dancers. Phys Ther Sport 43. 

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