Friday, July 10, 2020

Top 5 Fridays! 5 Facts About Inflammation and the Impact of Anti-Inflammatories

5 Facts About Inflammation and the Impact of Anti-Inflammatories -

This Friday is diving into the inflammatory process with 5 things every clinician should understand when managing inflammation.

Inflammation has the connotation of being bad or harmful which should be stopped immediately. However, this is not always true as inflammation signals the repair and healing phase.

Check out these 5 facts and drop any comments you have below.

👉Inflammation is a Normal Process with Acute Injuries - Inflammation and muscle regeneration are closely interconnected through complex cellular, physical, and chemical interactions which is beneficial during acute injuries, but can be detrimental in chronic conditions

👉Anti-inflammatories are NOT recommended during acute injuries - Anti-inflammatory drugs target an enzyme known as COX-2, which when it is inhibited, it will have a direct effect on the proliferation of satellite cells thus impairing muscle healing

👉NSAIDS are inefficient for chronic systemic inflammation - When inflammation becomes more systemic vs local (such as prolonged osteoarthritis); NSAIDS will become inefficient in management with more potential for harm than benefits

👉Systemic anti-inflammatory medications (SAIDS) have been known to promote muscle wasting - Prolonged use of systemic anti-inflammatory modalities such as SAIDs might have detrimental side effects on skeletal muscle by promoting muscle wasting.

👉Not all painful conditions are associated with an inflammatory response - Certain tendinopathies have shown very little inflammatory markers associated with them in which case anti-inflammatory modalities would have no efficacy for treatment

A nice flow-chart was depicted by the authors of this perspective article to reference when it is, and it is not, appropriate to utilize anti-inflammatory modalities.

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“Aspire to Inspire”

via Dr. Cam Faller's Instagram reposted with permission

Reference: Duchesne E, Dufresne SS, Dumont NA. Impact of Inflammation and Anti-inflammatory Modalities on Skeletal Muscle Healing: From Fundamental Research to the Clinic. Phys Ther. 2017;97(8):807-817.

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