Friday, June 25, 2021

Top 5 Fridays! The 5-Step Coronavirus Business Launch Plan

The 5-Step Coronavirus Business Launch Plan -

The 5-Step Coronavirus Business Launch Plan

I launched my practice at the bottom of the recession in 2008, and you can absolutely launch yours during this Coronavirus pandemic.

Today, I wanted to share the five things you need to do to launch your practice now.


Just commit to doing it. Don’t dance around the idea or wait until the “time is right.” There is no better time than now.

Patients Don’t Have the Same Problems

…But you can still help them. During the Coronavirus pandemic, people’s problems have changed. They still have back pain, but it could be for a different reason now. Maybe they haven’t worked out during the quarantine and are suddenly starting again, etc.

Your goal should be to get those people to choose you over a crowded medical facility. You need to be their solution.

Money Is Still Flowing

First off, get comfortable talking about money. Everyone is afraid that there is no more money, but that is definitely not true. Zoom has a ton of money right now. Amazon has more than they know what to do with. Remember that money is a tool for doing good. It’s okay to ask for money in exchange for your help.

Use a Proven Formula

Why re-invent the wheel? Use my formula and improve upon it. Do me one better. Go out and create an even bigger impact in the world.

Get a Business Coach

My belief is that you need a coach and community to keep you accountable. Otherwise, you’re going to still be waiting for “someday.”

You spend a thousand dollars for a con-ed class, yet you hesitate to pay the same for a coaching program? Learning business, marketing and sales will help you grow so much more than having a few additional letters after your name.

Just like you had a clinical instructor for clinical skills, you should have a business instructor for business skills.

For more, grab your seat in my Free launch training here!

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